LifeLine Vaal's Services


  1. Understand personal distress seen in types and causes including crises.
  2. Understand the person’s state of mind as impacted by distress and its responses (including feelings, stress condition and behaviors)
  3. Trauma: seen in definition, process and impact of trauma.
  4. Factors influencing the impact of trauma.
  5. Approaches and techniques to address recovery
Personal Growth Course

This workshop sessions comprises of 8 weekly sessions of 3 hours. Its approach is experiential with inputs with small group exercises and interactions. Each group is facilitated by a Facilitator.

The content and outcomes are: Inter-personal competence in the building and maintenance of relationships; Inter-personal awareness as a unique person seen in: own growth and development; a focus on dimension/s of the mental/cognitive, emotions, beliefs and value systems; and complete wellness; to become real (congruent) and grow, with a special focus on assertiveness; to manage all the negatives, which impact or prevent growth and functioning; as seen in conflict, anger, traumas, stress, shadows, prejudice, games and manipulations, understanding the needs and behaviours in their growth.

Counselling/Trauma Debriefing

LifeLine‘s main program is counselling and trauma debriefing, which we have been providing in the Sedibeng and Sasolburg district for the past 40 years.

We have many well trained and competent Lay Counsellors providing this service. LifeLine offers 24/7 confidential telephone counselling by trained Lay Counsellors. Confidential Face 2 Face counselling is available during office hours in language of choice where possible.

The Wellness Centres in the townships (Sharpeville, Sebokeng, Palm Springs ad Sicelo) are drop-in centres open from 08.00 to 16.00 on Monday to Thursday and from 08.00 until 13.00 on a Friday. At Duncanville it is preferred to make an appointment when possible. Counselling after hours can be arranged by appointment Counsellors and are available to do regular duties at schools and corporates on request.

All counselling is free and confidential and is carried out by LifeLine trained Lay Counsellors. Play “counselling” is available on request too. If LifeLine Counsellors feel that they are not able to take on the situation or topic, they are obliged to refer the client to a suitably qualified person or institution. LifeLine Lay Counsellors DO NOT PROVIDE THERAPY or official reports on clients.


LifeLine has a shelter for abused women and their young children. The Shelter was established in 1988 and is able to accommodate 11 people at any given time. There is a resident Housemother who takes care of the ladies and their children on a 24/7 basis offering support and care.

A Social Worker takes care of the Psycho-social services of all who are at the Shelter, providing the necessary services to enable healing timeously. We assist any adult, of any race or religious group if required. We are able to provide shelter for those who have been trafficked. Those assisted at the Shelter have access to clinics, SAPS, legal information, help, professional services, and hospital services if necessary.

The children must attend crèche (if small), and are enrolled at nearby schools, with which we have agreements. We are able to assist with obtaining ID documents, child grants and other grants as needed. Various skills development activities take place either at the Shelter or with other partners. LifeLine endeavours to provide holistic services in order for the ladies to move on with their lives and will interact with family where necessary. The Social Worker will interact with the spouse or partner where necessary too.

Thuthuzela Care Centers

Thuthuzela Care Centres are a one-stop facility that provides on-site medical examination, HIV testing, PEP medication, psycho-social services and SAPS statement taking. The service is led by the NPA in partnership with other governmental services. LifeLine is the NPO providing the psycho-social services, as well as the HIV testing, at the Thuthuzela.

LifeLine provides the Psycho-social services at the Kopanong Thuthuzela Care Center in Vereeniging & at Ithembalethu (Heidelberg Hospital) CFMS. There are Social Workers, Social Auxiliary Workers and Lay Counsellors in attendance at the Kopanong Thuthuzela on a 24/7 basis.

At Ithembalethu there is a Social Worker on duty during office hours although the Centre is open 24/7. All victims of rape and sexual assault can report to the Centres directly. In this way they will get all the help they require under one roof. They can access the services even if they decide NOT to lay any charges. The most important issue at stake is not contracting HIV and at the Thuthuzela Centre they will receive the necessary tests and medication, but it must be within 72 hours of the rape or assault in order to access PEP, which is the protection against being HIV infected. It is very important that you access the services as soon as possible.

The LifeLine staff will support, encourage, and provide counselling to both victim and family of the victim/s. LifeLine counsellors “follow” all clients providing ongoing emotional support and adherence to medication, until they are emotionally stable.

HIV/AIDS Services

LifeLine has trained staff who are able to provide free and confidential HIV counselling and testing at all five of our Centres, in language of choice where possible. The method we use is the “finger-prick” method, which is extremely accurate. Information on HIV/AIDS is available from all centres.

LifeLine is able to assist with Wellness Days, providing testing and information, at corporates and other organizations on request. We are also able to provide support groups in language of choice for those who require this facility.

Training/Skills Development

LifeLine has another leg of services, which is the training area. We offer a basket of various life skills programs but the most popular and important one is the “Personal Growth Course”.

We have a number of trainers to provide the services in languages of the area. George van Schalkwyk is our Trainer and developer of course material/s. We train Lay Counsellors for LifeLine and a pre-requisite of the Basic “Counselling Skills Course” is the “Personal Growth Course”.

These courses are highly recommended and recognized, although not accredited. We are able to provide any of the courses/training offerings but need at least 12 – 15 people to make it viable. We are able to provide training to corporates in fields suitable to the corporate world and are able to provide an 18A receipt for funds received. Refer to our “Training Tab” for more information.

School Programs: LifeLine is funded for some programs which involve learners. Although these are funded we are able to provide similar programs to other schools who request. Programme One: Young Warriors – Teen Peer Educator Program which involves 40 learners (boys & girls) from 20 schools in Sedibeng, trained to provide skills to their peers. The program lasts a full year and is ongoing while we receive funding. Programme Two: Becoming Big Stuff – Program on sexuality for Grade 7 learners preparing them for the transition into young adults. It is a 2 hour interactive presentation at the schools and presented in the language of the school.

GBV – Prevention & Response Program

This program is aimed at prevention of the GBV and targets adolescent girls and young women. They are provided with various preventative skills, with financial literacy skills and Sexual Reproductive Health information.

They are also referred to Social Workers if they have experienced any form of GBV, Rape or Domestic Violence for further assistance, on the response side. The program involves many other partner organisations who can provide further skills and programs.

You’re stuck, overwhelmed, abused, or tired, and you need help finding your way forward… Give us a call!